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Monday, July 30, 2012

Self-Responsibility Quiz

1. Do you believe that you're a Lucky Person? Sometimes

2. Do you worry about what others think of you? Sometimes (only if they look like they're approaching with negative intention)

3. Do you fantasize about hurting someone? Usually (those that wish to do Me harm)

4. Do you like violent movies? Sometimes

5. Is it easy to accepts others' mistakes? Sometimes (if We've trained and they've passed and expressed how passionate they are about their practice and yet they make a mistake because they felt I wouldn't find out...Discipline)

6. Do you dwell on negative experiences? Never (well if the situation repeats I compare them)

7. Do you look forward to living a long life? Usually

8. Do you make enemies? Sometimes (most enemies start off as friends that turn jealous)

9. Do you blame anyone for your circumstances? Never

10. Do you like your work? Usually (I love My work ethic and professionalism...the companies I've worked with/for tho...smh)

11. Do you look forward to life? Usually (actually only because of her...I know I'll live a long time but without her it'll be empty)

12. Do you fear death? Never

13. Do you take good care of yourself? Usually (..but according to the FDA lol)

14. Do you like your body? Usually

15. Do you consider yourself fortunate? Sometimes

16. Do you blame yourself? Sometimes (mostly for what I do)

17. Do you blame others? Sometimes (only when they accuse Me of their wrongs)

18. Do you pity people? Never (I pity the fool)

19. Do you feel sorry for them? Sometimes

20. Does the weather upset you? Never (well that branch that slapped the shit out of Me during that storm)

21. Do you get angry? Usually

22. Do you yell at others? Usually (forgive Me lover)

23. Does risk frighten you? Never (which is one of the problems)

24. Do delays frustrate you? Sometimes

25. Does health worry you? Never

26. Does living excite you? Sometimes

27. Do you wish you could get even with someone? Sometimes

28. Has someone stopped you from good things? Usually (My mother & family)

29. Do you deserve more? Usually

30. Do you begrudge others? Sometimes (especially those that disloyal and promote slander)

31. Are you jealous? Never (well...No nevermind)

32. Are you deserving? Usually

33. Does your work anger you? Sometimes

34. Do other aggravate you? Sometimes

35. Do you like yourself? Usually

36. Does pain usually frighten you? Sometimes (not physical pain)

37. Does illness scare you? Never

38. Are you happy? Sometimes (around babies)

39. Do you get along with others? Usually

40. Does losing upset you? Never

41. Do you wish you were different? Never (My situations need the change)

42. Is life good to you? Sometimes

43. Do you make friends easily? Usually

44. Is it important to be right? Usually

45. Do you lie to others? Never (except to police & judges)

46. Do you exaggerate your experiences? Never

47. Do you love easily? Never

48. Do you like learning? Usually

49. Do you enjoy new experiences? Usually

50. Do you look forward to new adventures? Usually (well...Fuck yea)

Score: 72 - This subject normally is in control, is capable of high pain thresholds, finds live invigorating, is optimistic, and generally loves living.
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