Such a Summer, ups & downs. The usual but why does it have to be? It shouldn't be. I know I have unfinished business but... Let Me start this over.
Another Summer battling the ups and down. How I long for the day when it can be Me My Queen and the Prince in Our Kingdom. The fight for it is real. My apologies to those who I offend. Second though if you were fighting on My side you won't necessarily be that offended. The Pains & Pleasures, the Heatwaves, the Storms, the Shootings, the women, the money, the spending....same Summer Madness. Deeply breathe that sweet Summer breeze, as the winds spin the leaves on the trees.
I won awards, have been showered with gifts, achieved recognition...I did earn it but do I deserve it? I do deserve it but is that it?! I mean what more can I ask for but the stability and Lifestyle I fight for. My mental images are far to grandiose for Me to bow out and accept this mediocre standard of living, alleged middle class, actual luxurious poverty. At least I got a place to rest...(Somewhat true) bullsh!t I gotta place for My books and clothes but I can't call this shit My or Our Home.
So now what? If I can get those awards and stuff...where's the money? It's fucked up, so much to a point where it's a bit humorous but I don't find the $h!t funny. Banks going broke, Wall St been broke but "The art of business is, it's other peoples money" ('Business? It's quite simple. It's other people's money.-Alexandre Dumas). I'm just tryna get what I need so that We can live comfortably affordable, Healthy, Wealthy, Spiritual Rich lives. It's a Mountain to climb. I ask the Heavens engulf My Habitat.
My followers, thank you for following, but I really Me those that have been, and will remain loyal to Me, which that I know to be very few yet on the surface it seems to be a Mass. Not just social media...but those Real Love Makers & Peace Keepers that pivot on & off My Path to guide Me. The temptations are true tests and distractions from the Master Plan I set many years ago. I know what it's like to conqueror My I have to Create a new Crusade and Manifest My Higher Self and the Way of Life that flows with it. To do that I need your help. If you can't help Me..Fuck you because there is not such thing as can't (well only in America). If you want to help Me but don't know how, just put Me in your prayers, praises & blessings. Use your intention to heal & empower the Universe and the Source will reward Us All.
I make wishes come true, I once sold dreams for a living (dreams not lies) if I can do it for Me, you can do it for you and We can do it as Devotion to the Omniverse and provide Health & Wellness to Many galaxies Eightfold.
August approaches, are they prepared for the Winter Solstice?
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