Chakra is Sanskrit for "Wheel" or "Circle" of the 7 Energy Centers in the body.
The Chakras are to receive, process and distribute energy and to keep the balance of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of in the body.
Avatar:The Last Air Bender Book Two: Earth Chapter 19: The Guru
The Root Chakra (The First Chakra)
Location: in the perineum at base of spine
Sanskrit name: Muladhara
Gland: adrenal medulla
Symbol: four-petaled lotus
Color: red
Element: Earth
Qualities: grounding, patience, structure, stability, security, survival
Essential oils: cinnamon, garlic, sandalwood
Gem: ruby
Herb: mugwort
Musical note: C
The Sacral Chakra (Second Chakra)
Location: sacrum, 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches into the pelvis
Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana
Gland: gonads (balls, ovaries)
Symbol: six-petaled lotus
Color: orange
Element: water
Qualities: well-being, sexuality, sensuality, pleasurable, abundance, seat of the emotions
Essential oils: jasmine, neroli, orange blossom
Gem: Moonstone
Herb: cedar
Musical note: D
The Solar Plexus Chakra (third chakra)
Location: directly below the sternum and just above the navel
Sanskrit name: Manipura
Gland: pancreas
Symbol: 10-petaled lotus
Color: yellow
Element: fire
Qualities: self-worth, self-esteem, confidence, personal power, mentality
Essential oils: lemon, grapefruit, juniper
Gem: yellow sapphire, topaz, citrine
Herb: rosemary
Musical note: E
The Heart Chakra (fourth chakra)
Location: middle of chest
Sanskrit name: Anahata
Gland: thymus
Symbol: 12-petaled lotus
Color: green
Element: air
Qualities: unity, love, peace, purity, and innocence (compassion, unconditional love)
Essential oils: rose, carnation, lily of the valley
Gem: emerald, rose quartz
Herb: lavender
Musical note: F
The Throat Chakra (fifth chakra)
Location: throat
Sanskrit name: Vishuddha
Gland: thyroid
Symbol: 16-petaled lotus, circle
Color: blue or turquoise
Element: ether (contains all elements)
Qualities: communication, will, creativity, truthfulness, integrity
Essential oils: blue chamomile, gardenia, ylang-ylang
Gem: blue sapphire, blue pearl
Herb: wintergreen
Musical note: G
The 3rd Eye Chakra (brow, sixth chakra)
Location: between the eyebrows (third eye or eye of psychic vision)
Sanskrit name: Ajna
Gland: pineal
Symbol: two-petaled lotus
Color: indigo
Element: the cosmos
Qualities: intuition, discernment, wisdom, imagination, knowledge
Essential oils: camphor, sweet pea
Gem: amethyst
Herb: sage
Musical note: A
The Crown Chakra (seventh chakra)
Location: top of skull (some say just above the skull)
Sanskrit name: Sahasrar
Gland: pituitary
Symbol: 1000-petaled lotus
Color: white (sometimes purple) or white streaked with purple
Element: the cosmos
Qualities: enlightenment (zen), grace, beauty, serenity, oneness with all that is
Essential oils: violet, lavender, lotus
Gem: alexandrite
Herbs: frankincense and myrrh
Musical note: B
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