Sayonara Salvatore - webcam mode
Inspired by: Boner Jones
Couldn't help it. I love this game. I remember the first time I played the first one... actually the way I found out about Grand Theft Auto I had stole this piles of CDs and it happened to be mixed in so I tried it out and was blown away. Even though it had Nintendo graphics it was still quite entertaining. How lucky was I to have ran into a trade for a game I dominated for Grand Theft Auto 2. I used to bring the 16" out on the porch and play in front of people. Sometimes my brother and cousin would even right down plans for adjustments made to the game. Those demands were reached with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. But the between were even better. First game I played on PS2 was Grand Theft Auto 3 Loved it!! The next edition with the fantastic storyline Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Then the PSP versions "Liberty City & Vice City Stories" still fun. Hmmm now I have to play "Chinatown Wars". Grand Theft Auto social networking?? Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto: Lost and Damned for XBOX LIVE!! Bring the GTA series from my door to yours. Wanna war?? Ride with Us or Run From Us!! Haha
GTA Fiend fact: Did you know that all the cities were in the first copies?
:( I haven't played the London Edition though.
Grand Theft Automania = 11 titles I believe (let's count)
1/ GTA
2/ GTA 2
3/ GTA London
4/ GTA 3
9/ GTA 4
10/GTA L&D
About the video:
I was bored one night. As you may have (or not have) figured out I have bad sleep habits. So it was about 4:20AM I was playing Grand Theft Auto 3. I don't have any of the copies on PC. Thinking about it though... very much so!! So I don't have the luxury of the video capture. So what I did was point the WebCam at the plasma screen and "let 'er rip" (well record in this case). No audio.. add some? I did post it on YouTube.com and had a soundtrack but ewww at the quality... it looks like a psychedelic trip (which is why I did not delete it ;) ).
Within the Video:
Unlimited Uzi, Borgnine Taxi, Hooker taken into the safehouse, Hidden Package, Roof Snipe Method, Unique Stunt Jump, Insane Stunt Bonus... whatelse??
My favorite Grand Theft Auto themed site is http://www.GTAmissions.com